Hi bloggers today's blog post is how to play Ki O Rahi.
In Ki O Rahi there are two teams formed. 1 team is called Kioma the other team is called Taniwha.
The Kioma has the goal of touching poles/pou then they score in the first circle and two people defending the barrel in the middle the Taniwha scores by having three people in the first circle and then chucking the ball/Ki at the barrel in the middle while the defenders defend the barrel.
The field is three circles they are named Te Roto, Te Ao and Pawero they are the circles that the Taniwha stand in for chucking the ball/Ki at the barrel in the middle.
The person coaching kicks the ball/Ki from the third circle called Te Marama somewhere and the two teams chase after the ball/Ki and that's when the game starts.
When Kioma scores the ball/Ki goes to Te Marama the person coaching and when the Taniwha scores by hitting the barrel they can keep scoring.