
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Wellbeing Whare

Hi Bloggers,

Today we finished wellbeing Whare. building our wellbeing Whare, the reason why we built a wellbeing Whare is that your roof is your happiness but you can't just put up a roof and say there we go there's my happiness you need to have the 4 wellbeing walls physical, Mental/emotions, social, Spiritual and that holds up our happiness.

So this is my wellbeing Whare and as you see its not the best but it still stays up witch is the most important part of it as long as it stays up you still have your happiness.

  1. Physical - Scootering, Playing outside with my dog and going to the skate park.
  2. Mental/Emotions - SLEEP!!!!!! and chilling on my Xbox/Chillout space.
  3. Spiritual - Soul.
  4. Last of all Social - Friends, Family, Gaming and wifi/Internet.

I hope you guys and gals liked this blog post and one quick question do you reckon that you can make a wellbeing Whare. 


Monday, February 17, 2020

Shot put Graphs

Hi Bloggers,

Today we did some graphs about what we did Last Tuesday witch was shot put and we had to make 2 graphs on the recording that we did and to throw the shot put I will add in a video for that and here are the recordings.

the reason why Rory didn't improve when he threw with one knee up was because he probably wasn't trying when he threw it. The reason that Ethan and I threw further with one knee up was that we had got to bend down more.

So this is the graph and this is where we had to take the information from the recording and put it into a graft like this. I mucked up and had to restart it because I made them touch each other. How to throw a shot put

so that's all for this blog post I hope you people enjoyed this. BLOG YOU LATER!!!